In the major occultation, an important duty is to await the reappearance of Imam az-Zaman (a.t.f.s.). Imam Sadeq (a.s.) relates from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.),
"أفضل أعمال أمتي انتظار الفرج"
"The best act of my nation is to await the reappearance."1
Awaiting is an inner condition that we experience vis-à-vis our beloved. Our restlessness for the meeting with the beloved is directly proportionate with the presence of love in our hearts for him. If you are waiting for a guest, you will prepare yourself for his arrival by cleaning up the house and providing the necessities of his comfort. You will inform the people about his arrival and will exhort them to join you in welcoming him. More than the house, you will prepare your heart for his comfort, leisure and ease.
If such preparedness and restlessness is found in us, then we are truly awaiting for the guest. But if I am simply sleeping lazily, without feeling the need for any preparation and readiness, then such an awaiting is nothing more than lip service.
Those who are waiting for Imam az-Zaman (a.t.f.s.) are restless for his reappearance. They are preparing for his arrival by improving themselves and inviting others to change for the better. They are themselves learning religious laws and injunctions while making others also aware of their religious obligations. They are restless due to the delay in the reappearance. The occultation of their beloved Imam az-Zaman (a.t.f.s.) has snatched sleep from their eyes.
Imam Zainul Aabedeen (a.s.) has described the characteristics and importance of the one who awaits the reappearance thus,
"O Abu Khalid (Kabuli)! In the period of his occultation, those who believe in his Imamate, await his reappearance are the best people of all times. Allah the Almighty has endowed them with intellect , understanding and cognition to such an extent that occultation (of Imam) for them is as good as his presence.
They are equal (in status) to those who are fighting alongside the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.a.) with their swords. Certainly, these are the real believers and our true Shias and they call towards the path of Allah, openly and secretly."2
- 1.Kamaal al-deen, vol. 2, p. 644
- 2.Kamaal al-deen, Ch. 31, H. 2