"The first of them (after Imam Hussain(a.s)) is Ali, the master of worshippers and the ornament of My Auliya in the past." (Hadees-e-Lauh)
Early life-Imam Zainul Aabedeen (a.s) was born on 15th jamadi-ul-awwal, 37A.H two years prior to the martyrdom of Imam Ali(a.s). His (a.s) mother was Shah-e-Zanan, the daughter of Yazdagird bin Shahrayar bin Khosro, a Persian King. Her name was later changed to Shahrbano. His (a.s) father was Imam Hussain (a.s) the lantern of the source of guidance. At the age of 23, He (a.s) faced the most tragic event of His life i.e. the event of Karbala.
Event of Karbala- By the will of Allah, Imam Sajjad (a.s) became seriously ill at the time of the event of Karbala, which prevented him from taking in the battle. His(a.s) Imamat commenced from the noon of Aashura, 61 A.H. From the 11th Moharram, 61 A.H. the caravan of Imam (a.s) was forced to undertake a journey along with surviving women and children of the martyrs of Karbala, He (a.s) tried His best to unveil the ugly leadership of Yazid. Imam (a.s) speech in the court of Yazid manifested His exalted character inspite of the fact He had to bear mental and physical tortures and hardship. Imam (a.s) in His comprehensive speech praised Allah and introduced the progeny of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) and the valuable service rendered by them in the way of Islam. The speech created such an atmosphere that it provoked the people against Yazid ( may Allah curse him). To defuse the tension, Yazid ordered a Muezzin to call out Azan to silence Imam (a.s). However Imam (a.s) after each and every sentence of Azan gave such a remarkable commentary, which resulted in increased disgrace of Yazid. Imam (a.s) during 34 years of Imamat passed through the reigns of Yazid ibne Moaviya, Moaviya ibne Yazid, Marwan ibne Hakam, Abdul Malik ibne Marwan and Walib ibne Abdul Malik.
Life after Karbala- Imam (a.s) adopted two methods to fulfill the duties of Imamat. The first method was that He concentrated on the training of the people individually or collectively through the medium of supplications. The Book 'Sahifa-e-Sajjadiya' is a compilation of the supplications of Imam (a.s) through which He (a.s) trained people. Another important work of Imam (a.s) was the treatise, 'Resalatul huquq'. It is a collection of individual and social rights of the Muslims in different aspects of the society. The second method adopted by Imam (a.s) was to keep alive the heart rendering memories of Karbala. Imam(a.s) from time to time reminded the people about the tragedy of Karbala. He cried loud whenever He saw an animal slaughtered. In an emotional atmosphere He reminded the people about the cruelties of Bani Ummayah.
Generosity and Martyrdom- It is reported from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s) about the generosity of His father, "He would go out in the darkness of the night carrying a bag on His back. He would come to a door and knock on it. He delivered food from His bag to anyone who opened the door. He used to keep His face covered when helping the poor, lest they recognize Him". His attitude towards the people was very gentle. When He heard somebody speak ill of Him, He would not get angry but would say, "If whatever you said about me is true, may Allah forgive me and if whatever you said about me is false, then may Allah forgive you". At last by the order of Walid ibne Abdul Malik (may Allah curse him) Imam (a.s) was poisoned on 25th Muharram, 95 A.H. He (a.s) was buried in Jannatul Baqi, Madina.