Benefits of reciting surah Ikhlaas

Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s.) has said that if a person recites this verse once, Allah will
shower Blessings on him. When the person recites it twice, Allah will Bless his children.
If the person recites the verse thrice, Allah will also Bless the person’s friends. Thus, the
more a person recites this verse, the more he shall be Blessed by Allah. For reciting the
verse a thousand times, the person will get the august status of a martyr.
While the Prophet of Allah (a.s.) was offering the funeral prayer of Saad bin Ma-aaz, he
noticed that seventy thousand angels were present at the prayer. He asked Jibraeel the
reason for this honor to the dead person. Jibraeel replied that he used to recite Sura e
Iqlas frequently.

· Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s.) has said, “ If you desire Allah’s protection from your
enemies, recite Sura e Iqlas on your six sides, that is, right, left, up, down , front and
· And when you go to confront a superior, recite this verse thrice in front of the person
and at every recitation close one finger of you left hand. With Allah’s help you will
come out successful!”
· Then the Imam (a.s.) said, “ If a person has not recited the Surat al Iqlas for one
week, his Reckoning will be along with the accursed abu Lahab”
· The Imam (a.s.) further said, “ If one is suffering from an ailment, and doesn’t take
help from this verse, then he is a denizen of the Hell.
· Also said, “ If your believe in Allah and the Day of Judgement, then after the
mandatory prayers don’t forget to recite Sura e Iqlas. Allah will pardon the sins of
your forbears and your offspring.

· Hazrat Ali (a.s.) has said, “ A person who recites the Sura e Iqlas eleven times after
the mandatory morning prayer, the Satan cannot make him commit a sin even if he
tempts the person a hundred thousand times.”
· Also Ameer al Momineen (a..s.) said,” When a person recites the verse in the night,
Allah will depute fifty thousand angels to keep vigil the whole night.”

· Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s) has said, “ When a person reads Sura e Iqlas it is like
reading a third of the Quran, a third of Torah , Injeel and Zaboor.”

· Also the Imam (a.s.) said, “ Allah has subjugated fever to Hazrat Fatima Zehra (a.s.)
in lieu of the Garden of Fadak. Therefore if a friend of the Ahl al Bayt recites Sura e
Iqlas a thousand times and blows over a person suffering from high fever, the person
will recover with Allah’s Help.”

· Imam Reza (a.s.) has said, “ If one sits near a sick person, recites Surat al Fateha, Al
Iqlas, Qul Aooz berabinnaas, Qul Aoozo berabbil falaq and touches the face of the
ailing person, Insha Allah, the sickness will vanish.”

                               Refrence: Ain al-Hayat by Allahma Majlisi

Benefits of reciting surah’s(chapters) from Quran Part 2

                               SURAT AL WAQIA
One who recites this verse every night, Allah will befriend him. The person will never
suffer from poverty or hunger.

                              SURA INNA ANZALNA
A person who recites this verse will get the satatus of a martyr. If one recites it during
prayers, all his sins will be padoned. If a person recites this verse continuously during
Ramadan and a thousand times on the eve of 23rd Ramadan, he will witness such wonders
on the morning of the 23rd that he will get amazed! His belief and Faith would become
Whenever Imam Reza (a.s.) wore a new dress he would recite sura inna anzalna, sura
Qul huwalla, sura qul ya ayyuhal kaferoon ten times each, blow on a small quantity of
water from his mouth and sprinkle it on his new clothes. The Imam (a.s.) used to say that
whoever does this will be given good sustenence by Allah till a thread of the dress
remained with him.”
Someone asked Imam Jafare Sadiq (a.s.) , “ Ya Maula! I have married a few women, but
still I am issue-less!”. The Imam (a.s.) replied, “ Before copulation you must recite Sura
Inna anzalna seven times in a manner that your right hand is near the umbilicus of your
wife Till the pregnancy becomes evident, keep placing your hand near the umbilicus of
your wife and recite the verse every night.” When the person adopted this practice, his
wife became pregnant and he was blessed with seven sons thereafter.
The Imam (a.s.) also said, “ One who recites the verse Inna anzalna in the prayers instead
of Qul hawalla, there will be doubt about the acceptance of his prayers. Even if it is
accepted, there may not be any Reward for such a prayer.”

                                       SURA ZALZAAL
Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s.) said, “ A person recites this verse in optional prayers, Allah will
save him from earth-quakes, lightning strikes and other calamities. At the time of his
death an angel will recommend to the Malak al Maut ( the angel of death ) to make his
death easy. The person would see his place in the Heaven before his death. All the
curtains would be raised from in front of him and his spirit would be taken away
It is narrated from Imam Reza (a.s.) that the Prophet of Allah (a.s.) has said, “ A person
who recites the Surat al Zalzaal four times, it would be like reciting the complete Book.”

                                  SURAT AL QAREAA
Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s.) has said,” Whoever recites this verse regularly, will be
rendered safe by Allah from the tortures of Dajjal. He will be spared the Hellfire in the

                          SURAT AL TAKASUR
Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s.) says , “ One who recites this verse will be given the rewards
equal to that for a hundred martyrs. Whoever recites it in the optional prayers, rewards
equal to that of fifty martyrs will be entered into his account. Such a person will be
having forty rows of angels praying the mandatory prayers standing behind him.

                               SURAT AL ASR
The Prophet of Allah (a.s.) has said,” If a person recites this verse in his optional prayers,
Allah will raise him on the Day of Judgement with a radiant face, smiling teeth and bright
eyes. He will be sent to the Heaven.”

                        SURA E KAUTHAR
A person who recites this surat during his mandatory and optional prayers, Allah will
quench his thirst at the Cistern of Kauthar and will give him a place in the vicinity of the
Prophet of Allah (a.s.).

                   SURA IZA JA-AA NASR ALLAH
Reciting this verse in the prayers protects one from the machinations of his enemies.

            SURAT AL MAUZATEEN(Naas and Falaq)
Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s.) say, “ There are two verses, an Naas and Falaq, that when
they were revealed, the Prophet (a.s.) was having fever and this verse was used as an
amulet for him and he recovered.

                  SURAT AL KAAFEROON
Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s.) has said, “ When a person recites Surat al Kaaferoon and
Iqlas during the mandatory prayers, Allah will pardon his parents and siblings. If he is a
callous( Shaqi) person, Allah will remove his name from the roster of such persons and
put him on the list of the virtuous. Allah will give him felicity in the worldly affairs, he
will die the death of a martyr and will be raised a martyr on the Day of Reckoning.”

                  SURAT AD DAHR
Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s.) has said, “ Whoever recites this verse on the morning of
Thursdays, Allah will grant to him in the Heaven a group of eight hundred virgins and
four thousand houris. The person will be in the company of the Prophet (a.s.).”
Imam Reza (a.s.) has said that it is a fact that there will be effect of bad eyes. A person
can set a bad eye even on himself. Therefore to prevent against the effect of bad eyes
one should recite thrice the following:
“ Maasha Allaho la quwatta illa billa alali al azeem”
When one has the fear of bad eye affecting him, he should recite the verse Mauzatain
while going out..

                   Reference: Ain al-Hayat, by Allahma Majlisi.

Benefits of reciting surah's (chapters) from Quran Part 1

                                                SURAH AN NISA
Hazrat ameer al Momineen (a.s.) said that one who recites this verse on Friday will be safe from pressures (Fishar) of the grave.

                                              SURAH AL MAIDA
Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s.) has said,” One who recites this verse on Thursdays will never become a hypocrite.

                                              SURAH AL INAAM
Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s.) has said,” If a person suffers from a serious disease, he
will get relief by reciting this verse.

                                             SURAH AL AARAF
Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s.) has narrated that a person who recites this verse will be amongst the friends of Allah.If one recites this verse on Friday, he will be exempted from the accounting of deeds on the Day of Judgement.
 Asbag bin Nabata narrates that Hazrat Ameer al Momineen (a.s.) said,” By the Great Allah who sent Hazrat Mohammed as the true Prophet (a.s.) and endowed his Ahl alBayt with august status, that people used to search for amulets and tablets, to save themselves from drowning, fire, theft and to guard their slaves and animals going astray. All these safety measures are there in the Holy Quran.Whoever wants help
can ask me. One person stood up and asked,” Ya Ameer al Momineen (a.s.)! Please do instruct me with those verses of the Quran.” The Imam (a.s.) recited two verses, “
Inna wali Allahul lazi nazzalal kitaba wa huwa yatawallis saleheen—7.196 “wama qadaru walla haqqa qadrehi walarzo jamian qabzatuhu yaum al qiyamate wassamawato mutawwiyatum beyameenehi subhanahu wa ta-aala amma yushrekoon”—39.67 The man recited these verses and he escaped unhurt from a
ferocious fire that had burnt down many houses in his neighborhood.

                                          SURAH BANI ISRAEL
Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that a person who recites this verse every Friday nightwill not die till he sets his eyes on the Saheb al Asr ( The Twelfth Imam). This personwill also have the status of the companions of the Prophet of Islam (a.s.).

· It is narrated that Omer bin Hanzala came to the presence of Imam Jafar e Sadiq(a.s.) and complained of a headache. The Imam (a.s.) said,” Put your hand at the spot you feel the pain and recite the following verse,” Qul lau kana mahu aalehatun kama yaquloona izan all abtaghau ila zilarshe sabeela—17.42 “ Wa iza qeela
lahum ta-aa lau ila ma anzalallaha wa ilal rasoole rayatal munafeqeena yasuddoona anka sudooda—4.61”

                                         SURAH HOOD
Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s.) said,” Whoever recites this verse on every Friday, he will be raised on the day of Resurrection along with the prophets (a.s.).”

                                        SURAH YUSUF
One who recites this verse regularly everyday, his face will be bright on the Day of Judgement like the face of the Prophet of Islam (a.s.).

                                        SURAH RAAD
The one who recites this verse will be safe from the strike of lightning.

                                        SURAH NAHL
One who recites this verse will never be indebted.

                                        SURAH KAHF
One who recites this verse on Fridays will have the status of a martyr when he dies.

                                        SURAH E HAJ
One who recites this verse once in every three days , he will perform Haj the same year

                                        SURAH YASEEN
This verse is the heart of the Quran. Reciting this verse enhances livelihood and wards away evils. Someone asked Imam Reza (a.s.) a cure for piles. The Imam asked him to write Sura Yasin on parchment with honey, wash it and drink the fluid. .When a person has leukoderma the same process of treatment should be followed.
One person asked Ameeral Momineen (a.s.) to give him a prayer for recovering lost valuables. The Imam (a.s.) asked him to offer two rakaat of prayer and in every raka recite sura Yasin.. Then he should say,’ya hadi alzallat rad ala zaallati.’.
Hazrat Mohammed Baqir (a.s.) narrates that a person who recited the sura Yasin once in his lifetime, Allah will enter good deeds in his record equal to the numbers of the creatures in the entire universe. Allah will also pardon two thousand sins of the person. He will be safe from penury, indebtedness and disease. The death qualms and the pressure of the grave will be light for him. He will prosper in the world and get rewards in the Hereafter. Allah will reward him so much that He will announce to the angels to keep praying for the person’s deliverance. The Imam (a.s.) also said that a person who has marks of leukoderma on his face should
write Sura Yasin with honey, dissolve in water and drink.

                                       SURA E SAFFAAT
Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s.) said, “ Whoever recites this verse on Fridays will be safe from all sorts of calamities. His livelihood will increase. No harm will come to his life, property and the family. No cruel ruler or Satan would trouble him. He will enter the Heaven with the martyrs.
Hazrat Ameer al Mimineen (a.s.) narrates that when a person has the fear of getting stung by a scorpian or snake should recite this verse. .One who desires to have plenty of Reward on the Day of Judgement, should recite the following after every prayer:
“ Subhana rabbaka rabbil izzate amma yasefoona wa salamun alal muslemeena wal hamdu lillahi rab il aalameen—
If any person recites this verse while getting up from sitting posture everytime, whatever sin he committed while sitting will be pardoned.

                                             SURAH E SAAD
A person who recites this verse on the eve of Friday Allah will bestow on him so much reward in this world and the Hereafter that He Has not given to any mortal other than the Prophets (a.s.). The kin of the person, and even his slaves and servants, will enter Heaven on his intercession.

                                  SURAH HAA MEEM SAJDA
Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s.) has said,” Any person who recites this verse, Allah will provide him a light on the Day of Judgement that there will be illumination to the extent his eyes could see. Allah will bless him with contentment and happiness. Looking at the person, others would express their desire to be like him.”
                                         SURAH E ZHAQRAF
Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s.) says,” Whoever recites this verse regularly Allah will prevent him from the vermin in the grave and he will remain safe from the pressure of the grave. This verse will intercede on behalf of the person on the Day of Judgement.and lead
him to the Heaven.”

                                       SURAH E MOHAMMED
Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s.) says, “ Whoever recites this verse will be safe from commitment of sins. He will not carry any doubts about the Faith. He will not be afflicted with penury. He will be free of the fear of the rulers. Allah will appoint a thousand angels to pray for him at his graveside after his death. . Thousand angels will be beside him when he is raised from the grave on the Day of Resurrection. These angels will protect
him from the hardships of that eventful Day. The person will be in the trust of Allah and His Prophet ((a.s.)!”

                                           SURAH E REHMAN
This verse has much felicity. The person who recites it will have a face as bright as the moon. It is advised that whenever one recites fabe ayye aalaye Rabbekuma tukazzebaan he should say la beshaiyun min alaayeke Rabbe akzib.

                                              SURAH E JINN
Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s.) said,” A person who recites this verse regularly, will be safe from any harm from the jinns and magicians in this world. He will be amongst the companions of the Prophet (a.s.) in the Heaven.”

                            Reference:Ain al-Hayat, By Allahma Majlisi

What is Islam?

Aban ibn Abi Ayyash has narrated from Sulaym  ibn Qays al Hilali:

 A person came to Imam Ali (AS) and asked a question concerning Islam, So Imam  Ali(a.s) said: “Allah (s.u.b.t) sent Islam and made its  Laws easy for those who accepted Islam and made its pillars strong against those who bear enmity towards it, and for those who befriend Islam, He made Islam their dignity and for those who accept it, Islam s peace and it is guide for the followers, it is decoration. For those who associate themselves to Islam it is beneficial for them. For those who want to safeguard themselves from with it, it is a strong rope and for those who accept, it is a cord. Those who acquire its knowledge it is an argument and those who want to enlighten with it, it is a light. Those who want to overpower an enemy with it, it is a witness. Those who make it a judge, it is a success for them and those who remember it, for them it is knowledge. Those who narrate it, it is Hadith  for them. Those who want a decision through it, it is command, and it is patience for those who want experience through it. To those who think through it, it is intelligence and is the cure. It is understanding for those who work with intelligence, and for those who act with understanding it is surety.For those who work with determination it is understanding with heart. For those who make it a mark it is a sign. Those who want advice from it, it is a lesson. For the honest one, it is success. It is love for those who put themselves right. For those who are near it, it is a source of nearness; for those who depend on it, it is trust; those who leave all their tasks on it, it is hope. For the one who has faith it is a cave and for the one who bows his head, it is shelter. For the honest one it is pleasure. For the pious one it is advice, and for the successful ones it is success.It is truth, its way is guidance, its attributes is goodness, and its effect is greatness. From all the ways it is brightest and from all minarets it is most enlightened. Its light is very bright and its end is very high. Its ground is very easy; it is a center of goodness. Everyone wants to go forward with it.And its punishment is painful, its blessing is very old, and the useful things are from ever before. Its riders are reputable, its way is faith, and its good deeds are its minaret. Understanding is its light - death is its end, this world is its ground, the day of resurrection is its result. Heaven is its present, Hell is its punishment (chastisement). Piety is its luggage and the good doer is its rider.

  Good deeds are understood through faith, and through them understanding becomes inhibited and through understanding is fear of death, and this world reaches its end through death, and Duniya(amal) will pass on the day of judgment and the day of judgment brings nearer to Heaven and Heaven is the longing for the Hell dwellers and Hell is exhortation for the pious ones. Piety is a branch of faith.And this is Islam.”