Music-Most Unstoppable Satanic Instrument Created

Today when we see the world, Music has became a new trend for the people it includes people of all categories childrens, young, old, rich, poor etc.The growth of industries like hollywood, bollywood who are the heads of music industry  are promoting Music among the people and are having great impact on them because of the hype, media support, and star value they have.Today when we open a T.V  on every next channel we see a music song, music programme or something related to Music.After seeing this some questions comes to my mind 1. Why is so much promotion given to Music? 2.Is Music a need of the people in 21st century?
3.Is there any benefit in music? 4. Are people having so much time that they waste it by continuously listening to music? or is there an hidden agenda behind promoting Music.let us analyse Music according to Islam.

Prohibition of Music
 The Holy Prophet (S) has also said,
“The Almighty Allah has sent me as a mercy to the worlds, to guide the people. And He ordered me to eradicate the playing of flute and other instruments of music, all games of vice, idol (worship) and all practices of the days of ignorance.”
(Mustadrak ul-Wasa’il, Chapter 79)

Why Islam prohibited Music? 
 Islam has prohibited all things which have effects on human both physically and spiritually. when we see Music it has effects on both physical and spiritual growth of man.

Music creates vibrations in the body and these are conveyed to all the parts of the body through the nervous system. As a result of this, indigestion occurs. Music affects the heart in such a way that the heartbeats become irregular. The blood pressure goes awry. All such ailments make a person permanently ill. Consequently, even modern medical science, in spite of its astonishing progress, fails in such a situation. Sometimes, the music is so intense that the listeners lose their sanity. They become dumb and various kinds of mental diseases occur. In places where music is more prevalent, we find that there are more neurotic illnesses. It is for this reason that more mental hospitals are to be found in Europe and America.

 In one tradition Imam Jafar Sadiq(a.s) said
“If drums and cymbals are played at one’s house for forty days, Allah will impose a satan by the name of ‘faqandir’. The satans will infiltrate into every cell of the person’s body. With the spread of this evil, the person loses all sense of dignity and self-esteem. He will then not care as to what he says or what is said about him. Then, this satan blows into this person. As a result, he becomes utterly shameless. So mush so that he is not concerned or affected even if his women are dishonoured.” It is usually observed that the people in whose homes music is played with regularity either using musical instruments or by radio or cassettes are absolutely shameless.In one question i asked why music is given so much promotion in this age, the answer is  nothing but fulfillment of a portent about last age.

Music and the Last Period of Time
The traditions concerning the signs of the last stage before the Zuhūr of our Imam (a.s.) mention music:
“And you shall see that music will be so prevalent that no one will dissuade others nor will he find in himself the need to do so. And you shall see that music would be openly played even in the two sanctuaries (the city of Makkah and Madinah).”
(Mustanade Naraqi)
This is what we see in the present age where obscene music is openly played in the markets, on the streets, in shops and houses and even cars and no one bothers to prevent it!

Thus Music has only harm to human beings there is no benefits in it.Islam has warned us from one of the biggest deceiver "The Dajjal" and his biggest weapon will be Music.Islam has also given us glad tidings of the coming of  Imam Mahdi(a.t.f.s) and from narrations you know that weapon of muslim is his piety,aloofness from sins,truthfulness etc.Now to Muslims around the world who claim that they are highly pious and there is no match of them in Imaan but they also listen to some Music, they should decide within themselves either be a weapon of Islam and leave Music or continue this lifestyle of yours which makes them nothing but followers of Dajjal it is just like working hard to build the house all the day and at night destroy it with our own hands.say no to Music and join hands with the army of Imam al-Mahdi(a.t.f.s).The only answer to this unstoppable instrument of Satan is to follow Allah's religion of Islam, the sayings of Prophet Mohammad(s.a.w.s) and His divine Imam(a.s).

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's historic speech in UN assembly sept 2011

Iranian President Mr."Mahmoud Ahmadinejad" addressed the UN assembly for the second time on September 22nd 2011.his speech started with praising Allah(s.u.b.t), His noble prophets and our master HolyProphet(s.a.w.s) and His progeny, he also prayed for the good health and reappearance of Imam of our time Imam Mahdi(a.t.f.s).

In the early part of his speech he raised points about the problems world is facing today, he spoke about natural disasters like floods in Pakistan and urged the world governments to give their helping hands to countries affected with natural disasters.

The middle and most important part of the speech dealt with the problems cause by arrogant governments in the world, and it was a hard pill to digest for the oppressor so they rushed out of the auditorium as if the fire caught their asses.he continued and started speaking of problems common masses faced in the past and ended on current problems we are facing, while continuously asking one important question, "who is responsible for all these problems?" some of the questions raised by him were, who colonized the world for 400 years?, who caused world war 1&2 which led to the misery of billions of people?, who used 911 attacks as a means to attack Afghanistan and Iraq?, who used Holocaust as a means to create Zionist regime in the middle east?, clear headed people, peace loving people know the answer of these questions.

What I like most in this speech of Mr President is that he became voice of oppressed, common man, peace loving people around the globe and these are the signs of a great and just leader, he spoke without fear about things he feel is wrong and my opinion is that the world should adapt to his sayings to solve their problems.

In the latter part of his speech he raise a question that despite all the efforts to promote peace there is no peace in this world, he asked what is the solution of this problems?, and he gave a very good answer by saying that if we look in past all the problems of this world were solved by the Almighty Allah(s.u.b.t) and today we need a leader , a guide from Allah(s.u.b.t) to put an end to our misery.he gave the glad tidings of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi(a.t.f.s) and Jesus christ (peace and blessings be upon him) which eventually will lead mankind to happiness and joy. At last he send salutations to love, justice and harmony and thanked all the people, with this ended the historic and the best ever speech of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

We pray to lord that we get more leaders of this qualities, and we with our own eyes are able to see the golden era of Imam Mahdi(a.t.f.s), O Allah shower peace and blessing upon our master Prophet Mohammad(s.a.w.s) and his Progeny.