Lamentations on Imam Hussain(a.s)

Lamentation of Heaven and Earth

Imam Sajjad (a.s) said, "Heavens have not wept on anyone since the day they were created, except for Yahya ibn Zakariya (a.s) and Husain ibn Ali (a.s)."(Kamil Al-Ziyarat)

Lamentation of Jinns

Lady Umme Salma, wife of the prophet, said: I did not hear lamentation of Jinns since the night Allah took the life of His Prophet (s.a.w.s) until tonight and did not see them till when I was afflicted by the killing of my son, Husain (a.s). Umme Salma says: I heard a Jinn recite the following:
                                  These two eyes of mine shed abundant tears.
                              Because after me who will weep over the martyrs
                             Weep upon over a group who are being led towards
                                death by a tyrant from the progeny of a slave  
                                                (Kamil Al-Ziyarat)

Lamentation of Owl

Imam Sadiq (a.s) asked, "Has anyone of you ever seen it(the owl) in day time?"

It was said, "No, it never appears during the day. It only appears at night."

Imam (a.s) said: The owls previously dwelled in only developed structures but when Imam Husain(a.s) was martyred, they refused to stay in developed structures and refused to take anything but ruins as abodes. Indeed, the owls fast during the day and aggrieved until nightfall. At night they lament on Imam Husain(a.s) till the morning. (Kamil Al-Ziyarat)

Rewards for Lamentation

Imam Sadiq (a.s.) said: The sins of whoever weeps, even less as the wing of a mosquito, when we are mentioned before him will be forgiven, even if his sins are greater than the foam of the ocean.
                                                 (Kamil Al-Ziyarat)