Duties of Shias Towards Imam-e-Zamana(a.s)

Excessively Cursing the Umayyads, openly and secretly  

 If there is no occasion of Taqayyah, fear or personal or social constraint it is recommended to narrate the evil deeds of Bani Ummayah and curse them from the pulpits and in gatherings. It is one of those acts that make one eligible for Allah's proximity

Shaykh Sadooq writes in Khisaal that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s) told Ali(a.s), "O Ali! Bani ummayah will curse you and for each curse an angel will curse them a thousand times. After his reappearance Qaem (a.s) will curse them for forty years."

It means Imam(a.s) will command his followers to curse the Bani Umayyah from every pulpit and in every gathering through out the world. It is the worldly punishment of the evil deeds of Bani Ummayah.


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